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No problem「沒問題」 試試看,在留言區翻譯這段對話! "No problem. I can

do it with my eyes closed." "Please don't. I don't have the money to pay for a new car." #阿滴英文 #每日一滴 #noproblem

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1.親吻活屍 2.眼睛業障重 3.想應徵男主 4.以上皆非 @qiuqianke 追殺對象 @d.e.

agency 感謝媽咪 和所有工作人員❤️ #meiwork #歐治鼻 #kiss #love #zombie #walker #corpse #キッス #키스 #吻 #용기 #배우 #俳優 #actor #演員

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"In the Classroom" Facebook Link: https://www.face

book.com/janansdesign #photoshop #manipulation #photomanipulation #photoart #digitalart #adobe #design #art #PS_TechArt #photoshop_creative #creartmood #igcreative_editz #weeditit #7edits_1day #edit_perfection #edits_oftheworld #editoftheday #phototag_creative #igw_edit #allsuperrealism #Ps_Summertime #pocket_edit #edit_mania__ #surreal42 #ig_underground #super_photoeditz #igworldclub_edits #creativitychasers #ig_artistry #enter_imagination

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就在剛剛我們「臥底」MV公布嘍! 請點我goo.gl/htWdeh #愛為愛EP預購中#ivi #愛為


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別人眼中的你,不代表未來的你。 #你 #脊髓損傷 #青年公益家 #簡亞當 #貼心 #暖男 #雨天 #職
